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Nov 10, 2016 THE MAVIC 2 IS OUT! This flight was for showing my son and a friend how it is to fly the Phantom 4. I did not intend to publish. Jul 06, 2019 5. Protocol TerraCopter EVO. View on Amazon. Editor’s Rating: 4.2/5. Flying a drone is an exhilarating experience, but getting to see what it sees is even better! The TerraCopter EVO comes with a camera and a remote control that has an attachment for your phone. Dec 30, 2016 I took a 1$ led hat light I got from Walmart apart, stacked and taped the batteries. Then hot glued it to the bottom. It fits perfect. The drone can still drive on a smooth flat surface. Protocol Helicopter Manual Protocol - Tough-Copter 3.5-Channel Radio-Controlled Helicopter - Red Helicopter, Remote. Manuals to download. Everything I Learned About protocol helicopter parts 07a11 I Learned. For your purchase of Protocol's Terracopter After charging the helicopter, connect the battery plug with the circuit board plug.
An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.
This troubleshooting page will help you diagnose problems with the Protocol TerraCopter EVO.
TerraCopter does not respond
The drone won’t turn on even though you tried everything.
Battery power is depleted on the drone or the controller
If the drone or the controller doesn’t work correctly, most likely there is a drained battery on either the drone or the controller. Therefore, change the battery in the aircraft or in the controller. You can buy a new battery here.
The aircraft and the controller won’t sync properly
It is possible that the syncing process isn't functioning correctly. Try turning on the controller then turn on the aircraft and set it on the ground.
TerraCopter will not hover or strafe correctly
The drone won’t lift up and maintain on the air.
The aircraft was not on the ground during the synchronization
If the drone wasn’t on the ground when the syncing process happening, you need to put it on the ground and start re-synchronize aircraft and controller.
Trim settings are incorrect
If the drone is not balancing properly, it’s most likely due to trim settings being incorrect. You should try to reset the trim buttons on the controller and re-trim flight control.
Response to control inputs intermittent or erratic
The controller won’t send signals to the drone.
Controller battery is nearly depleted
Most likely the reason why the controller won’t send signals is because the controller battery is drained , but there is also a possibility of the controller having malfunction problems. You can purchase a battery from this link and a new controller from here .
Wheels unable to turn
There is a malfunction where the drone’s wheel won’t turn.
Battery power is depleted in the drone
You should check if the battery is drained in the drone, if so replace the battery with the new one so the wheels can work properly.
Wheels are defective or damaged
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if the wheels are unable to function because its defective or damaged , you should consider replacing it, you can find the replacement wheels here.
The drone is not sync to the controller
There a possibility that the drone wasn’t sync correctly to the controller , so you should try to re-synchronize the drone to the controller by putting the drone on the ground and turn it on again.
Wings are not working properly
The drone’s wings are not working correctly or won’t work at all.
The battery power is depleted on the drone
Most of the time the wings won’t turn is because the battery died, check if the battery is drained, if so remove the old battery and replace it with a new one.
Wings are defective or damaged
If the wings are defective or damaged, most likely you have to replace it with new wings . You can find the new wings for the drone here.
The drone wasn’t sync correctly
The causes of the problem might be because the drone and the controller wasn’t sync correctly, so be sure that the drone is synced correctly. Try to re-synchronize the drone to the controller.
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Spare parts for Protocol's TerraCopter EVO™ RC Car/Drone with Live Streaming Video 4 x Rotor Blade Screwdriver Screws Add to cart Default Title - $20.00 TerraCopter EVO™ RC Remote Control

Protocol TerraCopter
PROTOCOL TerraCopter EVO Car/Drone - Full Review - [Unbox, Inspection, ... First Time Flying 2-in-1 Protocol Air Terracopter RC Car Quad Drone Full HD 2016 - Duration: 12:51.
Take precision flying to a whole new level of ease – and fun! Protocol’s Aviator RC Helicopter with Gyro features a wide area remote control allowing it to explore open spaces while its flight capability gives it the power to navigate left, right, forward, backward, up, and down in tight spots.
View and Download PROTOCOL TERRACOPTER pilot's handbook manual online. RC CAR/DRONE. TERRACOPTER Drones pdf manual download. ... Page 2 TERRACOPTER RC CAR/DRONE Thank you for your purchase of Protocol’s TerraCopter RC Car/Drone. You are about to experience the best of what remote control flight has to offer. We strongly recommend that you ...
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PROTOCOL AIR TERRACOPTER RC CAR & DRONE sleek and aerodynamic TerraCopter RC Car/Drone is a new level of sophistication, precision, and ease! ... so pilots can stay focused on the action while ...
This PROTOCOL AIR TERRACOPTER RC CAR/DRONE actually flies, and drives well. - Very stable and maneuverable quadcopter flier. Should be easily flown by beginners.
Land and Air Drone TerraCopter EVO by Protocol Review Unbox and Flight
In this video you will see TerraCopter EVO Drone Unboxing, Reviewing and Flying. Check out the SovoStream channel for more drone reviews. ... Land and Air Drone TerraCopter EVO by Protocol Review ...
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