Hec Ras 4.0 User Manual


cHECk-RAS is a program designed to verify the validity of an assortment of parameters found in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling program. cHECk-RAS utilizes information generated by HEC-RAS.

  1. Hec Ras User Manual 5
  2. Hec Ras 4.0 User Manual Software
  3. Hec Ras 4.0 User Manual 2016
  4. Hec Ras User Manual Pdf

To view the latest version of cHECk-RAS, visit the cHECk-RAS 2.0.1 Homepage.

  • May 06, 2015  In advance of the final release of Version 5.0 (hoping for this summer), HEC has released its 2D Modeling User’s Manual, written by Gary Brunner, the HEC-RAS Team Leader.This manual contains updates to all of the information that was put out in the previous guidance document, “Combined 1D and 2D Modeling using HEC-RAS” as well as more discussion on.
  • Nov 05, 2015  GeoHECRAS Update: HEC-RAS Workflow Automation November 5, 2015 / in General, HEC-RAS. HEC-RAS User-Defined Summary Profile Tables. The manual digitizing implementation has been completely rewritten and optimized, and is much more responsive to user.
  • Thickness data exported from HEC-RAS 4.0 or later. HEC-GeoRAS also has new tools for publishing results to a KMZ file readable by KML viewing clients (such as Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth, ES. Chapter 1 discusses the intended use of HEC-GeoRAS and provi overview of this manual.

This page outlines information on how to download and run the latest version of cHECK-RAS, as well as run the HEC-RAS program in the cHECk-RAS program for new users.

Hec ras 5.0.7 user manual

Jul 17, 2018  At the very least read through the HEC-RAS User’s Manual. All of the HEC-RAS manuals are very well written, easy to follow, and packed with information. They come with the installation of HEC-RAS, but if you don’t have them, you can get them from the HEC website. HEC offers the following manuals for HEC-RAS. . be familiar with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's HEC-RAS program, and the HEC-RAS User's Manual, Applications Guide and Hydraulic Reference Manual; and. read this Guide. 1 December 2013. CHECk-RAS 2.0.1 User Guide. An assortment of HEC-RAS variables and parameters will be referenced throughout this guide. HEC-RAS is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking, multi-user network environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface (GUI), separate hydraulic analysis components, data. The HEC-RAS documentation is automatically installed (with the exception of the BSTEM manual) during the setup of the program and can be accessed through the Help menu. To view the documentation without installing the program, the user may use the links below. HEC-RAS 5.0, User's Manual HEC-RAS 5.0.4, Supplemental User's Manual.


The cHECk-RAS program, including the User Guide, can be downloaded in WinZip format from the download link below. If you need additional information on how to obtain WinZip, see the Download Plug-in box at the bottom of this page.

cHECk-RAS 2.0.1 can be run on computers that:

  • Use Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit) operating systems
  • Have the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) HEC-RAS program installed (all versions through version 4.1.0 are supported)
  • Have a version of Adobe Reader or Acrobat installed

Note that in order for the cHECk-RAS Help and Reporting functions to be fully functional, the HEC-RAS project file inputted into the program must be accessed from your local computer.

Download cHECk-RAS

Hec Ras User Manual 5

After installing the above software requirements on your computer, including USACE’s HEC-RAS program, follow the steps below:


Hec Ras 4.0 User Manual Software

Please note that older versions of cHECk-RAS do not need to be un-installed prior to installation of cHECk-RAS 2.0.1.

  1. Download the latest cHECk-RAS Version 2.0.1 set-up zip file from the FEMA library and save it to a local directory on your computer. Extract the file.
    Note that the FEMA library resource record for cHECk-RAS also includes the following information:
    • cHECk-RAS 2.0.1 executable setup file - in ZIP format.
    • User Guide
    • cHECk-RAS Sample Data Sets
  2. Double click on the cHECk-RAS installation file and follow the on-screen directions to install the program.

Hec Ras 4.0 User Manual 2016


The HEC-RAS program latest version 4.1.0 must be installed on your computer before you can use cHECk-RAS. If you already have HEC-RAS 4.1.0 installed on your computer, skip to the Run cHECk-RAS section below. If not, visit the USACE Web site to download a free copy of the program and install it on your computer.

  1. The default installation directory for HEC-RAS is the 'HEC' directory. However, you may install this program elsewhere on your computer or rename the default directory after installing the program (not recommended). If either of these actions is taken, the HEC-RAS registry will no longer match the location of the actual program on your computer. Wherever the program may be, make sure that the path to the application is such that the last directory in the path is 'HEC' (e.g., D:testtest1HECras.exe).
  2. The HEC-RAS registry is not automatically created on your computer when you install the HEC-RAS program. To create the registry, you must open at least one project from HEC-RAS. If this is not done, cHECk-RAS will not be able to find the HEC-RAS program on your computer.
  3. Make sure that the stream has a reach name by navigating to Edit/Geometric Data on the HEC-RAS main menu. Although HEC-RAS will run without a reach name, cHECk-RAS will not be able to extract data. Refer to the HEC-RAS Users Manual for information on adding a reach name.


Before running cHECk-RAS, it is highly recommended that users review the cHECk-RAS User Guide, available both directly through the cHECk-RAS online help function or as a standalone .pdf file. The User Guide has detailed instructions on how to use the different functions in the program and information on the types of checks performed.

You can also view the cHECk-RAS 2.0.1 Online Tutorial, which will walk you through the set-up process as well as provide step-by-step information on how to run the program. The tutorial also includes a glossary of all related terms.

Questions not answered by the Help menu or suggestions for software improvements can be submitted on the Software Help Page.

Software Help

A Software Help Page is available to accommodate users' submittals of questions and suggestions regarding cHECk-RAS and other FEMA computer programs. View the latest known issues for the cHECk-RAS Beta software release.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has developed several programs to support the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The programs that are available for download from this site are included in the tables below. Additional information, including tutorials, user's manuals and guidance documentation, additional guidance and sample data sets are available for certain programs. Links are provided to all available information.

Visit this page often to keep up with the available software resources provided by FEMA.

Hec Ras User Manual Pdf

NOTE: The National Flood Frequency (NFF) has been replaced with the National Streamflow Statistics (NSS) program. NSS contains all of the NFF functionality and equations as well as low flow and other probability equations. The NFF program and database have not been changed since 2004 and will no longer be updated or supported.

Floodplain Mapping Software

Available Software Resources Provided by FEMA



Online Tutorials

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) computer program supersedes its HEC-2 computer program, which was widely used in the preparation of studies and restudies for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

FEMA has adopted the guidance that hydraulic analyses for newly contracted studies and restudies of entire watersheds (with detailed HEC-2 hydraulic analyses) should be conducted using the HEC-RAS program instead of the HEC-2 program. This floodplain modeling manual is prepared as a guide to introduce the HEC-RAS Version 3.0 modeling procedures to engineers who have experience in preparing floodplain models with the HEC-2 computer program.

User's Manuals and Additional Guidance

cHECk-RAS is a program designed to verify the validity of an assortment of parameters found in the USACE HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling program. In cHECk-RAS Version 2.0.1, updates have been made to modernize the program code base, redesign the program interface to be more intuitive and user-friendly, improve and update existing messages generated by the program, develop new messages generated by the program and enhance ‘Help’ and reporting functions.

User's Manuals and Additional Guidance

Previous Versions

  • cHECk-RAS, Version 1.4. Additional guidance for Version 1.4 include:

  • CHECK-2 is designed to quickly and accurately verify the validity of an assortment of parameters in the HEC-2 Program

RASPLOT Version 3.0 is the current software version.

New Features of RASPLOT 3.0 Include:

  • Floodway Data Table (FDT) Creation Tool which allows users to create FIS report FDTs

  • A Batch Portable Document Format (PDF) Generation Tool to allow for batch printing

  • Functionality to allow for the exchange of data between the program and FIRM database tables

  • Compatibility with Windows 8.2 and HEC-RAS 4.2

  • Incorporation of the most up-to-date domain tables from the November 2014 issuance of the FIRM Database Technical Reference

  • Addition of the 1 percent Plus flood profile

  • Standardized footnote creation

User's Manuals and Additional Guidance

Previous Versions

  • RASPLOT, Version 2.5. Additional guidance for Version 2.5 include:

    • The Additional Guidance for RASPLOT, Version 2.5 webpage

Quick-2, Version 2.0, is the latest version of a hydraulic analysis program used to compute water-surface elevations in open channels of all types. Quick-2, Version 2.0 is designed to only run on Operating Systems (OSs) through Windows 98. FEMA does not plan to upgrade for OsS XP and beyond. FEMA suggests using HEC-RAS software for users experiencing issues using version 2.0 on later OSs.

User's Manuals and Additional Guidance

Previous Versions

  • Quick-2, Version 1.0 (with User Guide and Tutorial) Users should note that Quick-2,Version 1.0 only operates on a Disk Operating System (DOS) or DOS emulator, in which FEMA does not maintain. User's Guidae and tutorial

NFF, Version 3 can be used to:

  • Obtain estimates of flood frequencies for sites in rural (unregulated) ungauged basins.

  • Obtain estimates of flood frequencies for sites in urbanized basins.

  • Estimate maximum floods based on envelope curves developed by Crippen and Bue.

  • Create hydrographs of estimated floods for sites in rural or urban basins and manipulate the appearance of the graphs.

  • Create flood-frequency curves for sites in rural or urban basins and manipulate the appearance of the curves.

  • Obtain improved flood-frequency estimates for gauging stations by weighting estimates obtained from the systematic flood records for the stations with estimates obtained from regression equations.

  • Obtain improved flood-frequency estimates for ungauged sites by weighting estimates obtained from the regression equations with estimates obtained by applying the flow per unit area for an upstream or downstream gauging station to the drainage area for the ungauged site.

  • Save output from the program in text and graphic files.

  • Obtain documentation and instruction for use of the program from help files.

Coastal Hazard Analysis Modeling Program (CHAMP) is a Windows-interfaced Visual Basic language program that allows the user to enter data, perform coastal engineering analyses, view and tabulate results and chart summary information for each representative transect along a coastline within a user-friendly graphical interface. With CHAMP, the user can import digital elevation data; perform storm-induced erosion treatments, wave height analyses and wave runup analyses; plot summary graphics of the results and create summary tables and reports in a single environment.

User's Manuals and Additional Guidance

RUNUP, Version 2.0, is a DOS-based program for wave runup computation. This program uses stillwater elevation, shore profile and roughness and incident wave condition input information to compute a wave runup elevation that is consistent with the most detailed guidance currently available.

User's Manuals and Additional Guidance

No Online Tutorial Available

Wave Height Analysis for Flood Insurance Studies (WHAFIS), Version 4.0, is a DOS-based program that uses representative transects to compute wave crest elevations in a given study area. Transects are selected considering major topographic, vegetative and cultural features. WHAFIS uses this and other input information to compute an appropriate depth-limited wave height at the seaward end of each transect.

User's Manuals and Additional Guidance

No Online Tutorial Available

* U.S. Geological Survey software package.

Other Software

Other Online Resources