Using The End User Manual Plus Emu Portal Test Answer


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Following are frequently asked mobile application testing interview questions and answers for fresher and experienced testers.

1) Explain what is the difference between Web testing and WAP testing?

  • WAP Testing: It is the testing the WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) used in network applications
  • Web Testing: It is related mainly to the testing of web applications such as websites and portals

2) List out some of the automated mobile testing tools?

For mobile testing, two kinds of automation tools are available to test mobile Applications.

  • Object based mobile testing tools: Jama solution, Ranorex,
  • Image based mobile testing tools: RoutinBot, Egg Plant, Sikuli

3) Explain what is the difference between simulator and emulator?

  • Simulator: It is an electronic network simulation equipment or a base station equipment for CDMA/CMA mobile phones. It helps in latching home networks without roaming services and can make Voice; Data calls, SMS,
  • Emulator: It is a software to test mobile application without a live handset

4) List out the types of mobile app testing?

The types of mobile app testing includes

  • Interface testing
  • Services testing
  • Low-level resource testing
  • Operational testing
  • Installation tests

5) Mention what is the Android testing strategy?

The standard Android testing strategy must include the following test

  • Unit Test
  • Integration Test
  • Operation Test
  • System Test

6) Explain Android testing framework?

Android testing framework includes three segments

  • Application Package: It is the target application that requires to be tested
  • Instrumentation TestRunner: It is a Test Case runner that runs test cases on target application. It includes an SDK tools for building test and a tool that provides APIs for writing program that control an android device, for example, MonkeyRunner
  • Test Package: It includes two classes, Test case classes, and Mock objects. Test case classes include test methods to perform on target application, while mock object includes mock data that will be used as sample input for test cases.

7) List out the best practices for Android Testing?

  • Developer should prepare the test cases at the same time when they are writing the code
  • Together with source code all test cases should be stored
  • Use continuous integration and execute tests every time the code is changed
  • Avoid using rooted devices and emulators

8) Mention what are the common bugs found while mobile testing?

  • Critical: Your phone system crash when testing particular feature in your device
  • Block: Unable to do anything though phone is on unless you reboot your device
  • Major: Unable to perform a function of a particular feature
  • Minor: Under minor bugs usually GUI bugs fall.

9) Explain what is Robo-electric testing framework?

Testing done on Android Testing Framework for emulators or device is difficult. Running and building test case sometimes takes lots of development effort. Robo-electric framework allows you to run Android test directly on JVM without the need of a device or an emulator.

10) Explain how A/B testing is done for ios app?

A/B testing for ios includes three steps

  • Configure a test: It prepares two versions of your iOS app (A&B) and test metric
  • Test: Tests two iOS versions above on devices simultaneously
  • Analyze: It select and measure better version to release

11) While performing end to end mobile testing what are the major criteria, you have to take in consideration?

  • Installation
  • Application launching without having network
  • Uninstallation of app
  • Orientation of app if it supports
  • Testing application performance on a different kind of devices and network scenarios
  • Testing the application response how it is responding

12) List out the features does monkey tool provides?

Monkey tools provide features like

  • Basic configuration options
  • Operational constraints
  • Event types and frequencies
  • Debugging options

13) Mention what should be the selecting criteria for Test Automation Tool for mobile Testing?

For mobile testing, the test automation tool should have following criteria

  • Multi-platform support: Ensure that the tool does support your current and future target platform
  • Script Usability: Object-based tools provides a high degree of the script usability
  • Jailbreak Requirement: If the tool uses rooted devices, it may not support latest OS version and may be incompatible with MDM policies
  • Source Code Changes: Sharing source code may not be possible always
  • Lead time for New OS version: How soon tool can support new iOS/android/other OS version

14) When to choose automation testing and when manual testing?

Manual Testing

  • If the application has new functionality
  • If the application requires testing once or twice

Automate Testing

  • If the regression tests are repeated
  • Testing app for complex scenarios

15) List out the most common problem that tester faces while doing mobile testing in Cloud Computing?

Challenges that tester faces while doing mobile testing are

  • Subscription model
  • High Costing
  • Lock-in
  • Internet connectivity issues
  • Automation is image based and time-consuming
  • Automation cannot be used outside the framework

16) Explain what does mobile security testing includes?

Using the end user manual plus emu portal test answer key

Mobile security testing includes

  • Checks for multi-user support without interfering with the data between them
  • Checks for access to files stored in the app by any unintended users
  • Decryption or Encryption method used for sensitive data communication
  • Detect sensitive areas in tested application so that they do not receive any malicious content

17) List out mobile App testing?

  • Testing in all web browsers
  • Browsers very significantly across the devices
  • May support xHTML,HTML,WML,AJAX
  • Difficulty in Benchmarking the performance due to highly fragmented Market
  • Emulators do not capture all the attributes or characteristics of a device
  • Implementation of the specification may not be consistent across vendors and devices
  • In some situation, transcoder may not respect user experience factors

18) Explain what is port testing?

This testing is done to test the same functionality on different devices with different platforms. It is classified into two categories

  • Device Testing
  • Platform Testing

19) List out some iPhone and iPad testing tools?

  • iPhone tester: Test your web interface in an i-phone sized frame
  • Appium: It is a test automation tool used with native and hybrid ios application
  • iPad Peek: Test your web application using an iPad interface
  • Test Studio: It enables you to record, build and run automated tests for your iPad and iPhone applications.
Using The End User Manual Plus Emu Portal Test Answer

20) Explain how you can install SD card in emulator?

To install SD card in emulator, you have to use the command

MKsdcrd –I mySDCard 1024M mySdCardFile.img

In a previous article, I went over 14 examples of documentation mistakes you might be making. Today, I'm going to show you 10 examples of what makes great end user documentation.

I should clarify that end user documentation does not serve the same purpose as technical documentation, so you shouldn't write them the same way. Technical documentation is meant to teach somebody everything there is to know about a subject, whereas end user documentation is meant to just show somebody the necessary steps to accomplish a task and answer 'How to...' questions.

The examples I show are examples of what makes great end user documentation.

1 - Write great titles

Great end user documentation consists of titles that are specific, and often in the form of performing a task. This not only makes it easier for your end users to find what they are looking for, but it helps you write better articles.

For example, think about how much time it would take to write an article titled 'Contacts' - you wouldn't know where to start. So you create an outline of all the 'Contacts' topics you can think of, take screenshots of the Contacts object, explain all of the menu options, and write a history of the Contacts object - all useless to an end user who just wants to know how to create a partner contact in Salesforce. Instead of going right to the information they need, end users will have to sift through all of the other stuff to find an answer.

If each article has its own, great title, then your end users can quickly answer their own questions by performing a keyword search or by browsing through your table of contents.

HubSpot does a great job writing useful titles, and then demonstrating the workflow using pictures, text, and annotations. Their documentation is a great example of how to write end user/customer documentation.

Tip for writing great titles

To continue the example from above, instead of writing one big article titled 'Contacts' just write a dozen little articles that each answer one specific question:

  1. What is a contact?
  2. How do we use contacts?
  3. How to create customer contacts
  4. How to convert a lead into a contact
  5. How to create partner contacts
  6. How to create an account for a contact
  7. How to merge duplicate contacts
  8. How to import contacts from Outlook
  9. How to import contacts from a CSV file
  10. How to add contacts from Gmail using Cirrus
  11. How to change the Contacts view
  12. How to log a call with a contact

These are so much easier to write, and your end users will find them much more useful because they can quickly search for, and find, answers to their specific questions (end users need specifics). Plus, you can always combine a lot of little articles into a larger workflow and organize them into a chapter or a manual.

2 - Use annotated screenshots

The majority of end user documentation should have screenshots, and those screenshots should include some sort of annotation. Adding an arrow, a circle, or number sequences can make end user documentation completely dummy proof, and save end users from having to figure out what to do.

Even if it seems obvious to you where to click, including a few simple annotations will go a long way in removing confusion.

3 - Use video AND screenshots AND text

If you have the budget, the patience, and the time, you can do what Wistia does - create a video explanation, then include step-by-step instructions underneath the video.

This is a great way to do end user documentation. The video acts as a teacher to explain an overall process and provide some initial training. But after the initial training, end users don't need to watch the entire video again - they just need a quick reminder of what to do. The step-by-step instructions are great for the quick reminder.

4 - Include links to related articles

When you reference another action, product, workflow, or term, it always helps to include a link to the related article. Otherwise, end users waste time searching for what you just referenced.

5 - Easy to browse

if you only have 10-20 articles, then you don't really need to make them easy to browse. It's when you have over 20 or 30 articles that you really want to make a nice Table of Contents - especially if your documentation is online.

When your end users don't quite know what to search for, they can browse your documentation to find an answer. In this example, Metric Insights has organized their manuals into sections, and then each manual is broken up into chapters and articles.

Using The End User Manual Plus Emu Portal Test Answer

6 - Easy to search

Google has spoiled everybody. When your end users know what they are looking for, they expect to be able to type in a keyword and find an answer. If your documentation isn't searchable, then it's not going to be used very often.

7 - Easy to find

Using The End User Manual Plus Emu Portal Test Answer Page

Below is an example of the ScreenSteps integration with Salesforce. It provides links to articles based on which Salesforce tab is open so end users don't have to go very far to find relevant documentation. Plus, it has a keyword search feature so end users can type in their question and search your ScreenSteps documentation for an answer.

The faster end users can answer their own questions, the less time you'll have to spend answering them yourself or showing them where the answers are.

8 - Show the end result

At the end of it all, what is the end user supposed to see? Here, Skuid does a nice job including a screenshot of the end result with a brief explanation to help end users determine whether everything was done correctly.

9 - Show the steps and substeps

Including step numbers makes it easy for end users to follow along and piece together what they are doing. You can also take advantage of sub-steps to make your documentation easier to follow.

10 - Unique URLs for each article

If you were to click on this URL - you would be taken to the exact article you need to answer your question about how to create a campaign target list. This makes it really easy for you to respond to questions with links to your documentation. Otherwise, you have to say, 'Download this PDF, go to page 47, and on the 3rd paragraph you'll find an answer.'

Using The End User Manual Plus Emu Portal Test Answer Sheet

With a unique URL, you can respond in Chatter, email, in the communities, etc. sending your end users to the exact answer they are looking for.

Why do any of this?

The goal of your end user documentation is to reduce the number of hours you spend explaining workflows, and reduce the number of hours end users spend looking for answers.

Using The End User Manual Plus Emu Portal Test Answer Pdf

If you can remove hurdles your end users have to jump over in order to find answers, they will reference your documentation. And that will create self-sufficient end users who do the job correctly, in less time, and without constantly involving you.

Note: HubSpot, Metric Insights, and Skuid all use ScreenSteps to write great end user documentation.